Thursday, March 11, 2010

Heat Pumps

If you are going to use electric heat, a heat pump is the way to go. Heat pumps are the most efficient form of electric heat. Heat pumps produce three times more heat than electricity they consume. Keep in mind that heat pumps are only good for moderate temperatures. If you live in a cold area then you will still need a back up heat.
When going to perches a heat pump keep in mind there are three different types, air to air, water and ground source. These different systems collect heat from air water or the ground, and distribute it through the home. There can be a saving of up to 30 to 40 percent in your electric bill. These units also have an air conditioning unit built in them. They cool your home by pumping the heat out of the home and replacing it with cool air. In my up coming blogs i will be talking about different forms of heating and cooling units.

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